Current Issue

Jurnal Predica Verbum Vol. 4 No. 2 (December) 2024
Predica Verbum is a open access peer reviewed research journal that is published by Research Institutions and Community Development Services (LPPM - STTII Yogyakarta). Predica Verbum is providing a platform that welcomes and acknowledges original research papers about Bibllical Theology, Systematic Theology and Missiology written by researchers, academicians, professionals, and practitioners from all over the world.
This issue available online in December 2024. All articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by 8 authors from 7 Affiliations and 2 countries (Indonesia, and United States).
Original title: Predica Verbum: Jurnal Teologi dan Misi
English title: Predica Verbum: Journal of Theology and Mission
Short title: Predica Verbum
Frequency: 2 issues per year (June and December)
DOI Prefix: 10.51591/predicaverbum
P-ISSN: 2798-1495
E-ISSN: 2798-1444
Managing Editor: Dr. Farel Yosua Sualang, M.Th
Citation Analysis: Google Scholar
Language: Indonesia, English
Discipline: Theology and Religion
Publisher: Research Institutions and Community Development Services (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat/LPPM), Evangelical Theological Seminary of Indonesia, Yogyakarta. St. Solo, KM. 11, 1 Yogyakarta-Indonesia.
Predica Verbum: Journal of Theology and Mission has been accredited (SINTA 4) for five years (2021-2025) by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Republic of Indonesia, in accordance with decree number 72/E/KPT/2024.
Predica Verbum: Journal of Theology and Mission invites authors to publish the results of scientific studies and research in the field of theology and mission for the Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2025. The deadline for submitting articles is March 31, 2024.